The Joy of bringing home a dog.
We just got a new addition to our family. It is a rescue dog from the animal shelter. There are some things to consider when bringing home a new dog into your home. I created this First time dog owner checklist for you when you bring home for the first time a dog. To get some guidance and understand a bit better your dog.
It is a decision where the whole family living with you is involved. Do not decide we get a dog and your family does not agree with it.
Our new dog is Hektor. He is around 7 years old brought to the shelter when he was 4 years old.
I just couldn’t bear seeing him so sad, he lost a lot of weight because he refuses to eat.
Hektor stopped eating, I guess after 3 years at the animal shelter he lost his trust that someone will adopt him. There are lots of things to consider when you get a dog for the first time and you have to learn the important things about your furry friend.
When you are a first-time dog owner get to know your dog, and read or listen to books about dogs and their behaviour, on what you should feed him, groom him, look after him and so much more.
If you are a friend of Cesar Milan the Dog Whisperer than watch his shows and learn as much as you can. Otherwise, you will be head over in making big mistakes or just overwhelmed with the responsibility.
Here are some of the common mistakes first time dog owners make.
Owning a Dog is one of the great joys of life. Living a life without our Dogs would be unthinkable for me.
With unconditional love, companionship, and so many beautiful memories we love our furry friends deeply. Owning a dog brings challenges and is not always pleasant but in real life, we can and have to deal with it.
Sometimes, I look at my dogs, and they look up to me as they can sense that I am looking at them. The way how they look at me and how they move their head, I am sure they can read my thoughts and one day I will get an answer from them in a human voice.
If my Dogs could talk I guess they would tell me all the things a first-time dog owner should know.
Download our free ebook “Caring for your dog” Click here
It is scientifically proven that when you pat your Dog it lowers your Blood Pressure?
I believe it is not only the patting that lowers your blood pressure it is in the nature of a dog to give you unconditional love and when you are sad they will know. Dogs open your heart and bring you in coherence with your mind. I have never seen a dog who will not comfort you when you are sad.
It is said that through patting your dog the body will release a relaxation hormone and helps to lower the stress hormones. Petting your dog also soothes your dog itself.
What is the Life Span of a Dog?
It depends on the breed of the dog but in general, dogs can live from 7 years to 20 years.
Go to our dog breed selector to choose the right dog for you that suits you and your environment.
Tip Nr. 1 You are in charge, not your dog.
You are the pack leader and not your dog. In all cuteness and loving a Dog, you should not forget to understand that your dog is not a human, so please don ‘t treat him like one. When the dog does not understand that your dog is a dog it will go into dominance and that will cause problems.
Who is in charge?
My whole life we had dogs, cats, horses and other furry friends in our family.
When one of our pets past away through ages, there were lots of tears as they always been like a family member with four paws. Yes, we had funerals for our pets and our kids were singing and giving a speech.
We respect our furry friends and to have a life-lasting relationship with them but you need to set rules.
I know it is hard when those eyes look at you and your heart is melting away.
Believe me, if a dog or any other furry friend takes over your life, it is not fun anymore “Say goodbye to your freedom”Dogs especially need to know that you are in charge and you are the pack leader.
Create Rules and train your Dog, show him that you are the Pack Leader.
Follow a few steps and set a few rules as hard as it is, but it makes the companionship between you and your dog to hold a lifetime.
Tip Nr. 2 Do not leave your dog alone at home for too long. Especially when you just got your dog.
Don’t leave your dog alone for too long. If you get someone to care for your dog in the time you are away please choose wisely, dogs need attention and someone to take them for a walk, dogs want to play and need to eat a healthy diet.
Choose someone close from your family or friends who understand dogs and have time to interact with them. It is important that you choose someone who has a heart for animals.
There are Dog Grannies who take your Dog during day time when you are at work. It is great as your dog gets to socialise with other dogs.
Tip Nr. 3 Believe in your dog. Have the same faith in your dog then your dog has in you.
I know it sounds funny, but you have to believe in your dog. Having faith in your dog forms a life long relationship. When you let him off the leash in an open field, dog park, or outside the city trust him that your dog will come back.
You will have a great loyal companion in your future life together.
Your dog will always be waiting for you when you come home and greets you with pure joy.
Note: Your Dog will suffer emotional and physical if you do not find a place for him in your heart. Your dog will give you unconditional love and will protect and guard you, reward him with love and compassion.
Download the free ebook ” Caring for your dog ” Click here
Tip Nr. 4 Train your Dog with Passion.
Be passionate with your Dog when you try to teach tricks to your dog.
Your Dog will eventually get it, some dogs learn faster and some are slow learners. Your spoken commands should be clear and easy to follow for your dog. Your Dog will not disappoint you if you follow a few rules. To teach and train your dog should be fun for both of you.
Tip Nr.5 Senses. Be aware that your dog will pick up and behave as your Energy Frequency tuned.
Your Dog can sense the Energy or mood you are in, if you feel down and alone, your dog will be there and comfort you every time.
If you are angry or scared your dog will pick up your energy frequency. A Dog is a good listener and will never talk back or start endless discussions with you.
Well, that said when you have a talking dog like our Charly he will talk back. What I wanted to say is that your dog has sensitive senses and will pick up on your mood swings and according to them he will react.
For example, if you walk with your dog and you are stressed and anxious meeting other dogs on the way. Your dog will act the same as he will pick up your energy and feel the same.
The walk that you thought that could be relaxing will end up in stress as your dog will pull the leash, barks aggressively at other dogs. Different things can happen depending on your dog breed.
Tip Nr. 6 Dogs do misbehave sometimes… be fair. A dog can be like a child.
If your dog has done something wrong, do not punish your dog for too long. Your dog will not understand if you punish him for something he has done 1 day ago.
If you have to punish your Dog do it at the time your dog did it.
Do not hit or lock your Dog into a Cage or a room. A Dog will not understand this and will slowly start to resent you.
Dogs have a very good memory and will store it. Have you considered that maybe your dog needs more exercise and what you are giving it is not enough?
Different Dog Breeds have different energy levels. Choose the right dog breed what suits you with the free dog breed selector tool.
Tip Nr. 7 Understand and Communicate with your Dog.
Talking to your dog frequently will create a bond between you and your dog.
Even your dog will not be able to comprehend precise words, your Dog is able to understand the meaning of what you are telling your Dog, he listens to the frequency of your voice. One piece of advice “don’t scream at your Dog. ”
Dogs have a better hearing than us there hearing is very sensitive, and screaming can hurt his ears. It might also scare him and your dog might go into hiding.
For your dog, it feels to him like someone shouts into your year with a Megaphone.
Tip Nr.8 Feed your dog healthy food, dogs are carnivores, not vegetarians. Feed a balanced diet.
Please feed your Dog proper healthy food. Your Dog is not human and some foods can hurt him or are toxic for dogs. Pizza, for example, can be toxic for your dog and your dog get a toxic shock.
When feeding your Dog treats and cooked food please make a choice and don’t overfeed your dog. I know you mean well but it goes the same as for human overfeeding can kill your dog.
Find out how much your dog should eat with the Free Dog Food Calculator.
After you feed your Dog make sure there is always a bowl of water around, ( Day and night) refresh it daily and fill it up when empty.
Be aware after eating you should not take your Dog for a walk, please wait otherwise his stomach could turn or he can get sick quite badly.
Do not leave your Dog in the car when it is cold or hot outside. Your Dog can also dehydrate and die of a heat stroke.
Tip Nr. 9 How often should you go to the Vet with your dog?
Bring Your Dog to the Vet to get all his shots and get your Dog checked when you can see he is not feeling well.
Dogs, in general, don’t like vets and they can sense when they have to go to the Vet. Calm your Dog down and be with him if he needs you. Speak with a calm and tender voice it will help your Dog a lot.
A big NO NO …Never Ever say you can not stand the pain of seeing your Dog having surgery or having stitches.
Your dog depends on you that you are there when he is in need. Nothing could feel worse for your dog if you leave him alone.
Be with him comfort him as your dog does with you when you are sick or do not feel well. I know Pets are expensive and a Vet Bill can go into 4 figures. Get yourself a pet medicare insurance. Click here to get some recommendations.
Show your Dog that you care. Your Dog will be so grateful for your love and kindness.
Tip Nr. 10 Grooming is an important part of your dog’s life. Some dog breeds need a lot of Grooming and some not as much.
Groom your Dog and give him a bath from time to time, remove his underwool with a brush ( depend on the breed of dog). Some dogs have a lot of furs and need to be brought to the Groomer every month.
Especially in Summer dogs with lots of furs need to have their underwool removed otherwise, they are in danger of getting a heat stroke.
Our Charly has a lot of underwools and in Summer he puffs of his huge fur coat. We normally shave the belly so he can get cool. We brush Charly daily as he has so much undercoat that it is impossible to remove in one time.
A Dog likes to be clean too, even sometimes he rolls in the mutt and dirt that is normal behaviour of Dogs. Don’t worry there is nothing wrong with your Dog it is a natural behaviour.
If your dog sleeps on your bed or in your Bedroom it is just normal that you like a clean and groomed Dog.
Nr. 11 Playtime with your dog. Yes, you have to play with your dog.
Play with your Dog. There are so many games you can play with your Dog.
Buy toys what cannot harm your dog. Interactive Play Toys. Dogs especially puppies love to chew it is always good to have more chewy toys in the house for your dog.
Be careful sometimes your shoes and the cables are dogs favourite to chew.
You can buy Toys and Bones made out of chewy material non-toxic for dogs, as there are so many available you have to find out which one your dog likes. 4 best interactive Toys for dogs
Tip Nr. 12 Sleep Place. Get your Dog a place to sleep and where he can get away from the daily noise.

Your dog needs a place where he can sleep and rest. Some dogs prefer just a cushion and a basket and some love to have a smaller dog house.
Dogs can sleep in many places There has to be one place where he can go back when he feels the need to take a time out.
If you keep your Dog outside, please make sure he is not chained on the whole time, give him proper coverage where he can be safe from wind and weather.
Get him a proper dog house with a heating pad for the cold winter days.
I do not agree with putting a dog outside for different reasons. As you also have neighbours.
Tip Nr. 13 Dog Breeds, not every dog is the same. Every Dog breed has there own character and issues. Choose the right dog for you
There are different breeds of dogs with different needs. If you choose a Dog please consider what environment you live in, and consider which dog needs a lot of exercises and are you able to accommodate this breed.
Check out the Dog Breed Selector Tool for you the right and suitable dog breed.
Tip Nr. 14 Please do MicroChip your dog. Be a Responsible Dog Owner.
Dogs can be a handful, and if they get away of to far from you at least the person who finds him can quickly scan to find out where the dog belongs too. It is in your interest and in your dog’s interest.
Tip Nr. 15 Obedience Training is important for every dog. A well behaved dog is a pleasure to have around you.
Skipping the obedience training is not a good idea. You are setting yourself up for frustration.
If your dog is not listening to you it is a danger to you and anyone else around you.
Don’t neglect to teach your dog proper obedience training. It is simple and easy on top of it you and your dog will have fun. It does not matter what age your dog is any dog can learn.
You can train a dog at any age but the best time to train your dog is when they are young and more receptive. Older dogs can learn new tricks too.
Imagine that you are on a walk and your dog goes after another dog, it doesn’t matter how much you call out or talk to him your dog will not listen to you. Avoid those situations they are pure stress.
The best time to train your dog is when they are younger and more receptive — but don’t forget that old dogs can learn new tricks, too.
Tip Nr. 16 Spaying and neuter your dog.
It is the responsibility of a dog owner to spay or neuter your dog. We have so many homeless dogs and cats in this world and the animal shelters are full. To make a place for the new arrivals in animal shelters the one what are the longest there will be euthanized. This is so sad.
Do your part and spay or neuter your dog.
Also, understand that if your dog is not spayed or neutered and you have a male then by any chance your dog is a mix and not a purebred if he gets another dog pregnant the owner can sue you. ( I know it is an extreme example but do your part and spay or neuter your dog. )
Download the free ebook ” Caring for your dog ” Click here
Tip Nr. 17 Yearly Holiday days. What to do with my dog?
When you have a dog, and you want to go on a Holiday you have to look for a place for your dog where he can go.
Either you leave your dog with family members or you get a dog hotel for him. Lots of dogs been brought to animal shelters in the holiday season because they been abandon by their owners.
This is not an option and it is cruel. Having a dog means you need to care for it throughout the year. Lots of Hotels nowadays allow dogs. There is still an option to take the dog with you and if you can not then there is the option of family members looking after the dog or bringing him to a dog hotel or dog pension.
I love our dogs and cats. Our furry friends are a benefit for the whole family. I do not want to miss them.
Having pets especially Dogs do have medical benefits for you. They keep you active and you get the exercise you normally would not do.
Hope you enjoyed reading The first time dog owners checklist. 17 dog care tips and advice you must know. Don’t make this common mistake. Please share and like this article. Join us on Facebook.
Do you have a pet, share with us your memorable moments with your pets. Lots of people getting a dog but they do not understand that it is a lifetime commitment.
Looking forward to hearing from you
A general Guideline On How Often Should Your Dog Go To The Vet?From Puppy To Adult Dog.
A Review of the 4 best dog interactive treat dispensing toys on the market now!
Interesting reads:
Soi Dog Foundation – Sponsor A Dog Today
A not-for-profit charitable organisation in Thailand, the United States, Australia, the UK, France and Holland that helps the homeless, neglected and abused dogs and…
Please if you are an animal lover, help to make people aware that not all Dogs are lucky and have a home.
Soi Dog Foundation |
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This website is not intended to replace professional consultation, diagnosis, or treatment by a licensed veterinarian. If you require any veterinary-related advice, contact your veterinarian promptly. Information at is exclusive of a general reference nature. Do not disregard veterinary advice or delay treatment as a result of accessing information at this site.
You are so right about doing obedience training. It worked great when we tried.
I was not aware that depending on the breed, dogs can live from 7 to 20 years on your side. My husband and I are thinking about adopting a dog, and we are looking for advice about how to choose the perfect one. I will let him know about your recommendations to choose the perfect dog for our family.
Hi Ellie
It depends on the breed and the environment. My parents had a dachshund mix and he lived 25 years. It was hard for all of us to lose him and let him cross the rainbow bridge.
If you go to this page you can find the right dog breed for you. It is a software that asked you questions about where you live, how much space you have for a dog if you are at home the whole day or out … Click here to go to the page it is free.
There is never a perfect dog, and when you go to a shelter and chose your dog you will know the moment you look in his eyes that this is your dog.
Hope you find the right dog for you
Have a beautiful day
Hi Melanie
So much to learn as a first time dog owner. Someone recently introduced me to puppy classes
Does this have any benefit on how me and my dog is going to have a great life together?
Thanks so much for your kind response
Hi Jordan
It is a great idea to connect with your puppy. It helps you to understand your puppy better and your puppy will understand you better. You will learn commands and sounds they understand and make it more easy to follow. I always love it when people take the initiative to learn new things and try to understand the pet they have. It is important for a long-lasting relationship.
Have a great day
I love dogs. They are such loyal companions. Getting the first few steps right builds up a great future for you and your dog. All these tips are really valuable and will help with that that no end. I also found attending puppy parties and socialising my dog was invaluable.
Enjoy the journey!
Dear Mandy
Puppy Parties is a great idea to socialise your puppy. It is valuable for every dog owner to help their puppy or dog to adjust to the new environment.
Dogs are of such great nature that they do love you without any hesitation. They do not care if you are rich or poor. They do love you for what you are.
A Dog can be a Man’s best friend.
Thanks for stopping by.
Cheers Melanie