A Simple Guide to Decoding the Cat language.
How many times have you gotten up early in the morning because your cat just woke you up with her soft paw and her loud meow… You get up eventually and start talking to your cat, and of course, she will talk back to you.
Do you realise that you speak to your cat and your cat is talking to you? The question is ” Do you speak Cat
Believe me, communicating with your cat is an essential part of training your cat ( instead of your cat training you) and reinforcing a bond with your cat. It is possible to teach your cat, simple commands like ” No” or “Down”.
I know what you are thinking now, but training your cat with simple commands makes her a better pet. Using the words like treats, dinner or any other word you use as communication for treats will help your cat associate it with something pleasurable. Remember not to change the words each time if you decide on specific word commands stick with them.
Cats with other cats do not communicate through verbal interaction. Besides the hiss and growling at trespassers.
Meowing is a language especially developed for humans. What cats are only meowing between each other is usually done between the kittens and the mother. Kittens with their little meows use it to get the attention of the mother. Soon as they grow up, the meows stop automatically.
Cats reserve their verbal interaction for us humans. As you accurately have figured out by now cat language is a complex mixture of facial expression, ear position, tail positioning and other forms of body language. Cats also love to mark their territory with scents and sounds to leave a distinct message for a like intruder.
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Cats are fast learners and understand quickly by observing which of their sounds cause human responds to their demands. ( Cats learn quickly which button to push on their human to get attention)
The Oriental Breeds are very vocal and have an extensive vocabulary.
Our Cat her name is Minka she is an oriental Cat, she was a stray… boy when she wants something she is vocal, loud and persistent. She has my husband fully trained. I’m not joking.
If Minka is outside and she comes in through the patio into the house, and she is not able to see one of us either in the kitchen or living room she walks through our home and calls out “HELLO SOMEONE HOME…” The first few times we thought we had visitors when we realised it is our cat. The vocal meow is so clear that you think someone calls.
On the other side, and they have one vowel – tone for all. Another Stray Cat of ours or we look after is Schmuser, and when he talks to me, his voice is high-pitched and so soft as a squeaky voice.
It does not matter if your cat is vocal or not, your cat will be fluent in body language and this is a critical component of her interactions with you and other animals.
Try and make an effort to tune into the body language and the vocal communication from your cat. It makes interactions with your cat easier. Learn to understand your cat’s voice … if it is hungry and wants to be fed, or you have hurt herself and told you your cat has pain, tune into your cat’s language.
What is my Cat saying, learn some vocalisations that are common when someone asks you Do you speak cat?
“Meow” is a word for everything. It depends on the tone high or low, face and body signs on what your cat is saying.
Purr: Cats Purring is usually a sign of contentment. When a Cat is happy, they sometimes purr even while they eat. Sometimes it is also a protection against predators. When a cat is sick or anxious, this is to comfort themselves .. you can say it is like a child sucking his thumb.
Growling, hissing or spitting: This is an indication that the cat is annoyed, angry, aggressive or frightened. In short, the cat is saying leave me alone, or I will bite you.
A yowl or howl : (it sounds like a loud drawn-out meow) usually means your cat is somehow in a kind of distress … you might have locked her in the closet, or she is looking for you and another option is your cat is in pain. Go and find your cat if they’re making this noise.
If your cat is unneutered and unspayed, these sounds are part of the mating behaviour. ( yes and for some very annoying ). In case your cat is an elderly cat, consider that it might be suffering from a cognitive disorder ( dementia) they might howl because they are disorientated.
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Chattering, chittering or twittering: those are the noises your cat is making when she sits in the window or is outside and is watching birds, squirrels and lizards. There are different opinions around, and some experts think this Chattering, chittering or twittering is an exaggeration of the “killing bite,” when your cat grabs their prey by the neck and works her teeth through the bones to snap the neck.
Chirps and trills: That is how a mother cat talks to her kittens when she wants them to follow her. If she does this with you, it probably means your cat wants you to follow her. When our cat is doing this means she wants to show us her bowl either she doesn’t like the food or she wants to have more.
On the other hand, if you have more than one cat, you can hear them converse this way quite often.
Download our free ebook “For the love of our cats” click here
One important thing to understand when you want to speak the cat language is reading into their body language.
Through the EARS…
( Many Cats in South East Asia have no tail or a stumped tail, our cat Minka her tail is half stumped, and I always wondered what happen that a lot of cats in South East Asia are without tails.)
When the tail of your cat is straight up or with a curl: that shows your cat is happy
You see your cat twitching or trashing back and forth the tail: that means either your cat is excited or agitated. The faster the tail, the angrier the cat.
When the tail of your cat vibrates: means your cat is excited to see you.
If the Tail fur sticks straight up and the tail curls in an N- shape: Be aware that means extreme aggression
When the Tail fur sticks straight up but the tail is held low: means your cat is aggressive or frightened both ways be cautious.
When the tail is tucked under the rear and held low: means your cat is afraid, insecure or anxious.
If the tail is straight up, and quivering: your cat is really happy. In case your cat has not been spayed or neutered, your cat could be getting ready to spray something.
This is a book about how to speak Cat… both books are interesting to read. Click here to purchase the book
You have undoubtedly seen and experienced that your cat rubs its chin and body against you, and many people say this is to say that your cat loves you. Well, this is some thought of right, but the reason why your cat is rubbing against you is they marking you as their territory.
This means they say this is mine. If you look and watch your cat, you can see that it rubs the chair, the door, the toys everything in sight. This is a message to everyone that is your cat’s territory and their stuff including you. But they do love you dearly.
This is when your cat comes to you and massages you or the blanket this is sometimes called making biscuits. The cat works with its paws on a soft surface as if it kneads cookie dough. That is a holdover from when they were kittens. When the nursing kitten massaged the mother’s teats to make the milk flow. Your cat will do that when it is pleased.
Do you think sometimes your cat sniffs like a dog? Especially when your cat is sniffing your shoes then lifts its head, opens its mouth slightly, curls back its lips and squints its eyes?
Your cat is not making a statement about how your shoe smells don’t misunderstand this, your cat is gathering more information.
The sense of smell to cats is so essential that they actually have an extra olfactory organ that only a few animals have. It is called the Jacobs organ. Located on the roof of their mouth behind their front teeth and it is connected to the nasal cavity.
If your cat is fascinated by a certain unknown smell, your cat will open its mouth and inhale the scent molecules that they flow over the Jacobson organ.
That intensifies the odour and gives your cat more information about the object they are sniffing. Up to now, no one could figure out what the cats do with that information. Cats are mysterious, and that is one of the reasons we love them.
Speaking to your cat shows that the words you say are less important than the way how you tell them together with your body language.
When you talk to your cat in the same tone as the commands “down and no” when you use ” good kitty’ or ” well done here is a treat” then you will confuse your cat as she does not know what you want, the worst thing she misinterprets what you are saying.
When you correct the behaviour of your cat use a firm, authoritative voice and use it in conjunction with your body language. Use that tone consistently to correct your cat’s behaviour.
For example, if you want your cat down from the table, computer or bench then make a serious face and use your finger or hand to point down, say ” down.”
When you call her for dinner or offer some treats use a happy voice smile and beckon with your hand.
My cats have the habit of begging for attention in the rotation when I am on the computer or trying to work and accomplish different tasks.
You will need to say in a firm tone “No” and gently push your cat away without showing affection to your cat. I know it is hard, with the sweaty looks on their face …but if you want to get things done, there is no way around it.
As you are a Cat owner, you know that cats do not have much respect for your personal space. Cats are invading human own space repeatedly. Don’t wonder if you have to repeat the NO-push combination several times before your cat will give up and leave you alone.
Don’t make this mistake and saying “no” to your cat and instead of pushing her away pet your cat, she will surely interpret this as an act of the welcome sign.
Cats will also respond to a sharp spitting or hissing sound as “no” and only use it when they do something seriously wrong and need to be stopped.
Download the free ebook ” For the love of our cats” Click here
Be consistent and make it a habit to use the same voice, facial expressions and hand gestures for essential commands, then your cat will not have problems understanding you what you mean.
The better the communication between you and your cat, the better you and your cat will understand each other.
Let us know: Do you speak cat? How difficult was it to train your cat or is your cat training you? Do you have tips and tricks on how to speak cat? How do you speak cat?
Feel free to comment below. Please share our blogs. Thank you.
So long Melanie
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How to be a responsible cat owner
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View Comments
It's interesting to learn about how cats meow only to get attention from humans. My brother has a cat that is lethargic and seems to be pretty sick. He needs to visit a vet soon to make sure his cat is still happy and healthy.
Hi Max
Cats are special and they have their own way of communication with us humans. We have a couple of cats and each of them has their own language to communicate with each of us.
If your brother's cat is pretty sick please get her as soon as possible to a vet. It is important that the cat gets treatment before it is too late.
Cats are great companions and I know a lot of people say cats do not care about humans and about you, it is not true it is a myth. Cats do care a lot about you and they love you and will show you how much they love you.
People also say they are easier to take care off, well I had never a cat where she would look after herself. Cats love to train their humans to become their slaves.
You can train cats but not 100%. They will follow sometimes but not always.
Please ask your brother too get to the vet better yesterday than today and get the cat checked out.
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