We are having a baby. What do we do with our cat? Many new parents ask this question.
If you are having a baby and a cat, there is nothing to worry about. Both are great together; in fact, cats love kits. Follow a few rules, and all is fine.
Many times, I see friends who love and have cats long before they are married. When they get a partner and they get married, the four-legged friend is welcomed into the family.
I have been asked many times by friends how did I do it with my cats, dogs and my kids?
The most common question is if cats and newborn babies get along or do cats smoother the baby?
To answer the question of how I do it.
We always had cats and dogs, and when the kids arrived, we made sure we introduced them properly into the family that including all our four-legged friends.
This old wife’s tale is still around that cats, and newborn babies do not get along. Or cats suck the breath out of babies. This is really not true it is an old wife tale.
I know a lot of Pregnant women who worry a lot when they have a cat and a new baby arrives. They worry about Feline toxoplasmosis. If you had a cat before you are pregnant you are properly already Immun against it.
The cat came first then the baby. Cats love a routine.
When you have a newborn baby and a cat that was there before then you must introduce the cat and baby like you would introduce a new cat to your old cat.
If you are having a baby, grandchild, nephew or nice congratulations and if you also have a cat again compliments both will be so good together if you follow a few rules and don’t neglect your cat.
Paying attention to your resident cats and preparing the proper introduction is half of the battle in preparing you, your cat and the child for a joyful and peaceful time together.
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Cats love the warmth of a body. This is no surprise.
Kitties love to sleep on your lap, your feet, tummy, your head or any other body part. They are drawn to people.
Sometimes cats are drawn to infants due to the milk breath of your baby, as cats are curious from nature and they might sniff your infant out or just to see where the smell of milk comes from.
Seldom will cats sleep in the Crib of the baby as when it cries the noise is not pleasant to the ears of your cat and it might scare your cat?
There are exceptions, and those usually are cats who sleep in the bed of the baby or on top of the baby.
Yes, that is dangerous, and you should never leave the cat and baby unsupervised.
If your cat has the habit of sleeping in the crib of your infant, and you are not comfortable with it then keep the cat out of that area.
Some people suggest using aluminium foil as the cats do not like to walk on it because of the sounds. Well, all I can say my cats don’t mind aluminium foil and will scratch it when they can get it.
It might work for some cats, I guess it depends on your cat.
Why is it essential that you do a Cat and newly born Baby introductions?
You must understand that your cat was there first. As you properly got her when you are single or already in a relationship your cat has never been exposed to an infant, toddler or young children.
Your Kitty has always been around adults.
For your cat, those small humans with that funny noise are like aliens to your cat.
Alone the smell, sound, and look are different, compare to the adults your kitty is used too.
Children, babies, infants are a similar size to a cat’s level and move differently and more erratically.
Your Cat might switch to stranger-danger mode, and there are only two options then either your cat becomes freighted, and hides or it becomes defensive and tries to chase away the scary creature.
None of those options is good.
Preparation Before the Baby Comes Home.
During pregnancy start already to prepare your cat beforehand.
There are nine months for the pregnancy, and that is a great time to prepare your four-legged friend for the newborn baby.
Cat lovers know that cats love the status quo.
Decorating the nursery.
When you decorate the nursery be sensitive to your cat especially when she used or had access to that room before, for sleeping or just for taking a break. ( cat beds for your cat)
Make those changes in steps. Don’t change all in one time.
Essential for your cat is let your cat investigate the new things, at least it will not feel left out.
One thing you need to be aware off is that your cat will properly love to sleep in the bassinet or starts playing and smashing around the babies mobile.
Install a baby gate to keep your cat out when you are not able to supervise your cat.
- A good protector for preventing cats sleeping in the bassinet or crib is a plastic carpet protector, the side with the nubs goes up to use on top of the mattress. Cats do not love that, and it will prevent them from sleeping in the baby bed, bassinet or crib. Whatever you call it.
- Another tip is using Aluminium Foil around the bed or crib. That sound and feeling cats do not like either. (I have tried it but my cats love it and scratch the foil, on the other hand I have friends they swear for that. )
- It is a good idea to tape or record the sound of an infant and play it when the kitty is around, that way your cat gets used to the sound and you can see in advance what to expect. It is said that cats use sounds to communicate and an infant cry sounds similar to a kitten in distress. It might be unsettling for some cats to hear this.
If your cat is investigating the sounds and the cat is acting calm reward your cat with calm praise and some treats. - In case the opposite reaction is the case, and your cat gets upset then play your cats favourite game with her before you turn off the recording, that way your cat associates the play and happy time with the infant cry and sees it as a benefit rather than a thread.
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Preparing in advance your Baby’s homecoming. Let your Kitty get used to the smell.
Start using or wearing baby powder and baby lotion around 6 weeks in advance. Your cat will associate these smells with something it already knows and loves.
Another thing is you need to change your routine once the baby arrives, try to replace some of the basic routines in advance so your cat is used already to some of the routines and your kitty will not get upset when you pay attention to a stranger that has a weird smell and sounds scary.
Do not exclude your cat from this happy and enjoyable time, it will only make your cat confused and sad.
A stressed cat will potentially act out in unacceptable ways like avoiding the litterbox, scratching and biting.
The Time when the Baby Arrives.
Soon as the baby is born to bring something home from the hospital a t-shirt, a blanket any worn clothing from the baby.
Cats communicate through scent, and your cat will identify the scent than as a friend smelling similar to them. This is one of the reasons why they cheek rub against you or your legs.
It makes the smell familiar to your cat before your kitty gets to know your baby.
This is an advanced introduction. It is necessary, and you should not skip that.
I used the baby socks and petted my cats with the socks. The cats started to play with the socks and Minka used to grab the sock and sleep on it.
I always had to get them as I used to put the socks then inside out on my kids to wear them when I brought them home.
It is an old trick as the baby smells than like the cat and your kitty identifies your baby as part of the family.
Cats and newborn babies can be good together.
In general, cats are really good with babies. Bringing home, the baby, do it reasonably and don’t make a big fuzz about it. I know it is a big thing don’t make a big deal about the introduction.
The idea is that you want to let your kitty know this is normal, and an expected part of its life.
It is crucial that you do not force the introduction. If your cat is interested and wants to sniff allow it but be there to supervise it. Let the cat smell the baby’s foot with the scented socks on it.
It is an important part to allow your cat to look, smell, sniff, touch that little alien that is so very different from the adult alien to see there is nothing to fear.
Do not forget to praise your cat when it behaves confidently and calmly. After a while, the cat will treat the baby as one of the family members.
There should be no problem. I used to make a special cat play treat time when I was feeding my kids.
I was tossing treats and used a laser beam toy at the same time.
This way your cat will associate with the baby presents a great time.
As time goes on and the baby grows you must teach your child to respect the cat, too.
It is essential for your kitty to have a private retreat or an escape area where it can withdraw when it becomes too hectic.
It is important that cats and newborn babies treat each other under your supervision with mutual respect.
Only in this way you can be sure that your baby is growing up alongside your special cat.
This relationship will last a lifetime for both.
I know the opinions are different, but cats and kids have special relationships. When a kid grows up with pets, it is a blessing for both. Learning from an early time on to care and respect animals is important in growing up.
Cats and newborn babies are a great combination, and the old wife’s tale is just an old wife’stale.
Having a cat and a baby, is an adjustment no doubt but it is a blessing for the whole family. A cat is part of the family; it should not change because a baby arrives. (learn to understand your cat)
I agree that it is an adjustment, but it is nothing impossible. There is no need to give your furry friend away because you are having a baby. Feline Toxoplasmosis the misunderstanding
I have raised 3 kids with 4 cats and 3 dogs and my kids have learned to interact and respect animals.
It is the greatest gift you can give your children together on their way to grow up. It teaches them responsibility, love, respect, and compassion.
I hope you enjoyed reading Cats and newborn babies. Your Cat is not dangerous to your newly born Baby. Cats are great with kids.
Are you a mom with a cat and a baby? If so how did you introduce your cat to the baby if you have more tips please let us know and comment below? Share this blog with your friends and family. I will be happy and grateful if you share it on social media. Join our Facebook page. Thank you.
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