People always say cats have 9 lives is it true or is it a myth…
I am a pranic healer and Master Cho Kok Soi says a cat has 9 lives because 9 cats share one soul.
Molly was one of the 4 little kittens that came in our condo. We did not know which of our cats did bring them in as all our stray cats been neutered or spayed.
When we saw them first, we guessed that they are already 6 months old. Rusty our oldest condo cat was the protector of those kittens. Fiercely he fought everyone off who came near them. Including us. It took me 3 months to gain the trust of molly and the other 3 kittens.
As you know, we are looking after stray cats in our condo. Currently, we have 17 cats to look after.
We spay and neuter all of our cats in cooperation with animal welfare. We have all of them vaccinated and we bring them to the vet when they need medical care.

We are happy when some of our tenants who love to have a cat, adopt one of our strays.
We let them get to know our strays and let them sit with them and feed them for at least 4 weeks.
We are happy when some of our tenants who love to have a cat adopt one of our strays.
We let them get to know our strays and let them sit with them and feed them for at least 4 weeks.
Most Strays in our Condo are cats left behind by there former owner.
I also have to say most of our strays are domesticated cats left behind by Tenants who moved house or condo or left for their home country.
We have around 5 strays what are born in the condo before we took over the care of the stray cats.
Molly is one of the stray born cats in the condo. One Guy, fall in love with her and wanted to adopt Molly. She is a black and white stray. At that time she was only 1-year-old.
Kwok sat with her fed her petted her, and both of them looked like they got on well together. He bought all the things to cover the windows and the balcony.
Just to make sure Molly would not climb up the windows and fall. Minka was following him around in the condo.

You have to know here in Asia most households have a maid. ( you will understand later on why I mention this.) The Guy his name was Kwok ( I changed the name) was young 18 years, and his mom agreed to get a cat.
His Dad had cats before, and for me, it was ok. Not knowing that his Dad left and lived in Indonesia.
When the time came to bring the cat upstairs, he was delighted. When they got to the 4th floor and opened the door, Molly was making a lot of noise.
We closed all the doors and windows and let Molly out of her carrier. Molly was running around and started to hide. I stayed with Molly for nearly 2 hours, and slowly, Molly came out from hiding.
When all was ok, I left after 4 hours. I was not even downstairs. I heart this screaming, and it sounded like an animal in distress. I did not know that this was Molly.
You got a call…
When I arrived downstairs, I got a call from the Guy saying, I am so sorry Molly just jumped out the window. My heart was standing still for a few moments.
I ran to follow the screams my heart was pounding not believing not thinking straight and not understanding what I just heard on the phone.
I followed the screams of Minka, and she was down at the basement lying there in a way I imagine she broke every bone in her body.
The worst thing was the area was so difficult to get to.
I had to call security and ask them to help me. Security refused to climb down there where Molly was as it seemed dangerous. In fact, it was dangerous.
One of the latter was not long enough, and the second thought it was really a long way down.
I have some experience in Mountain climbing and got my gear to go down there.
My husband was holding my rope, and I lowered myself together with the rope down. The cat carrier on my shoulder. (Note the fire brigade refused to come, and the SPCA would only be able to come in 4 hours as they were all busy.
When I saw Molly, I knew we do not have 4 hours to wait. The further I got down to Molly, the more I could see how much Molly was in distress, and she was lying in a lot of blood.
It took me nearly 35 minutes to get to her as the building structures caught a few times the rope.
Finally, I got to her wrapped her into a towel and put her in the carrier. I was worry I will hurt her even more. Oh my, she was screaming.
I put the rope around the carrier, and the security and my husband pulled her slowly up with the cat carrier.
Soon she was up, my husband rushed with her to the Animal Hospital.
Security was helping me to find a way out of the basement area. As it was an area, nobody has access too. It took me a while to find my way out.
Yes, it would be easier to climb up again, but none of the security guys was willing to help me with the rope, they worry that they would drop me because they are never done it before.
2 broken ribs, broken joints, broken tail, injured paws, there was not one bone in her body that was not broken.
My husband called me and said that the Hospital thought it would be best to put Molly down.
I refused and said do whatever you can, then they said it will be expensive it will cost us around 6000$ Ok I said I will find the money somehow.
My next step was going up to Kwok and asking him what happen as I could not see him looking after Molly. Seemed to me he did not care.
I went up again and went to the Guy, boy he was angry he opens the door at shout at me if I know what time it is?
I screamed back at him yes, I know what time it is, how can you sleep when you nearly killed a cat.
Molly is now in the Hospital and has surgery for the broken hips and joints. Yes, you heard right he had a sleep.
I ask him what happen, and he told me the maid took off the safety net from the window as she wanted to get some air.
Molly got scared by the noise and jumped.
Kwok said to me. Oh, I am so sorry, but it is only a cat my mother said.
Oh, I was so angry at the Guy I really felt like I am exploding. Count to ten I thought to myself don’t do something stupid. Melanie breath in and breath out calm down.
I left as I could not stand it and was a worry.
So I went downstairs and went back to the animal hospital to look at how Molly is doing.
When I arrived at the Hospital, Molly was in surgery, and the nurses and one of the doctors were telling me that it would be best to put Molly to sleep. I refuse Molly was too young.
As the cost will be too high for a stray cat.
I told them will Molly survive and will be ok after surgery will all the wounds heal, yes they said so I told them to go ahead and do all the things you have to do.
So after 6 hours, Molly came out of surgery and stayed overnight in the Hospital. I left the Hospital the next morning at 8 am.
One hour later I was just to go to sleep for a couple of hours my phone rang it was the Hospital.
My heart started to beat faster, and I thought Molly.
A woman was on the other end and said her name is Dr Ling and she feels sad what happen to Molly, and she has a small hospital she would be happy to take Molly in after she is awake for less of the cost from the Hospital now.
If I agree she will take her to her place soon as she is awake and I can come, and we can then talk about the costs and treatment for her.
Molly woke up 4 hours later and was in distress, not knowing what happens to her.
I went to the new Hospital from Dr Ling, and she was really lovely and caring.
She told me she cares for stray cats too, and she helped with the surgery of Molly as she was on duty.
Dr Ling offered us to take care of Molly free of charge as Molly will be in Hospital for the next 3 month.
Oh, I was happy, and I ask Dr Ling if she accepts Donations.
Molly stayed with her 3, and Dr Ling took her to all her other appointments at the first Hospital.
Molly got really attached to them, and all of the nurses and Doctors loved Molly.
Kwok visits Molly 3 times and then stopped after I told him that I will not give him Molly anymore. He was upset and said that I promised.
Well yes, I promised to give Molly a right home, but you broke your promise when she was in need, and the irresponsible action from the maid is not acceptable to me.
If he gets from somewhere another cat, I will report him.
Long story short, after 3 months of visiting Molly every day in the Hospital, we took her home to our place.
She lives now with us for 2 years, and I have to say she is a cat that actually talks.
I believe one day she will answer me in a human voice.
We are pleased to have her as an addition to our family. She is excellent in training my husband. If I didn’t know better, I would say she is his wife.
She loves my husband, dearly.
A big Thank You to Dr Ling to looking after Molly and doing all the fantastic things she has done for her.
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