Understand your Cat.
The language of cat eyes. Do you find the eyes of your cat fascinating? Did you know that cats have different colours and tones in their eyes?
Our cat is called Minka; her eyes are citrin yellow and light green. Merlin, our siamese, has blue to dark blue eyes like aquamarine, and Leo, our male Cat, has green eyes like peridot. Mieze has green-yellow eyes like green aquamarine, her eyes look like Cleopatra as she has black oval circles painted around her eyes. The silent language of cat eyes will help every cat owner understand that.

How often have you looked at your Cat and thought how fascinating your Cat’s eyes looking at you?
The language of cat eyes can have many interpretations and only you will know what your cat is saying through her eyes.
If the eyes of your cat could speak, you would be surprised what they have to say.
Every Cat, have a different eye colour if you look closely.
Did you know that cats don’t have the same expression as a dog? The fact that a dog has eyebrows and a cat does not have eyebrows, makes the facial expression different.
In a way, humans and dogs use eyebrows to communicate, whereas a cat is using their eyes.
Call a dog’s name, and his facial expression, together with the eyebrows, go up and down.
Call a cat’s name, and she will look at you like “what you want now.” ( this is just my interpretation ). It just shows that their faces don’t demonstrate emotions. In theory, it is said that cats have a small capacity for facial recognition.
The eyes of your Cat glowing in the dark…It looks scary and cute.
Cats are really good at seeing in the dark; that is why they are such good hunters.
The eyes of a cat are considerably larger and more spherical than human eyes.
In proportion to their body, the shape and size of cat eyes allow them to see things in conditions where there is not much light. If you wonder why your cat is so good moving around at night and keeping you up the whole night.
Cats can easily wander around at night and spot, then capture their prey.

If you are unlucky or call it lucky, they will bring their prey back to you. What do cats catch like bugs, birds, mice, lizards, small snakes, any sort of creatures that wander around?
For sure, you do not want those creatures crawling half dead in your home or in your bed. But it happens from time to time, so smile and accept that your cat is trying to share its food with you.
Cats look for positive recognition when they capture their prey. It is not of your interest, but you must use positive words and acknowledge your Cat for being such a good cat bringing you this gift.
The silent language in cat eyes. What colour means.
What is the rarest colour in cat eyes?
The more common ones are the lighter blue, lighter green, lighter yellow, and the rarest one is actually amber/orange. It often appears in the pure breed called the traditional British Blue or British Shorthair cat, Somali, Chausie, Burmese or Cornish Red. Sometimes you can also see it in cats with tabby markings.
The colour of a cat’s eyes will depend on the levels of melanin that have been passed onto them in genes from their mother and father cats. Melanin is also responsible that controlling the level of pigmentation in the skin and fur.
The more melanin a cat has the darker the fur will be, and the same does not go for the eyes. It might be that there is a black cat with blue eyes. Melanin affects the eyes differently.
From birth on kittens always have blue eyes over time a period of 6 weeks they will change into different colours.
That is the time when the melanin starts to take effect. When your kitten is 12 weeks old the final eye colour will be revealed.
If you see a cat with red eyes it is not a rare cat it is actually a symptom of an underlying disease, ocular irritation, or injury to a feline’s eyes.
If one or both eyes show red colouration it is an indication that your cat is suffering from an unknown health condition and that should be addressed by a licensed veterinarian.
Eyes of your Cat. Dilated Pupils…Understand the language of your cat eyes.
Is your Cat agitated or angry? Then she has constricted pupils.
The eyes of a cat can be big and round, and the pupils are like pinpricks when this is happening… watch out as it means your Cat is about to attack.
Our cats get huge, fully dilated pupils when they are excited or play a game with me like fetch and catch the play mouse or play catch the bird.
When the pupils of your Catt dilate, it can also indicate that your cat is afraid of something or has been caught by surprise.
Dilated Pupils in Cats means excited cat, surprised cat, or fear of something.

Half closed or squinted eyes in cats.
When your cat squint or have half-closed eyes, it shows affection towards you or the person. You can recognize it when you think your Cat is about to fall asleep. It signals that your Cat is trusting you 100 per cent.
Did you know a cat also uses squinted eyes in the pecking order?
Leo, our male Cat, is a dominant Cat and often stares with squinted eyes at our neighbours male Cat. The neighbour’s Cat is submissive and looks away as it will not challenge Leo’s authority.
The Palpebra Tertia in Cat eyes.
Did you know? that cats also have a 3rd eyelid, also called the “palpebra tertia or nictitating membrane. ” It will cover and protect the whole eye if necessary. The Third eyelid or “haw”–regarded by some as a biological curiosity much like the human appendix or wisdom teeth.
The 3rd eyelid gives you also an indication that your cat is dehydrated or ill and may need to see your veterinarian.
Try blinking to communicate with your Cat. The secret language of cat eyes.
Look at your Cat and start blinking with your eyes twice; she will look back at you and do the same. You can communicate with your Cat through the eyes.
When your Cat blinks back, it means they fully trust you. Sometimes they try to tell you ” I love you, “
Even if you sometimes feel your Cat ignores you and your voice, believe me, your Cat does know that you are present, and in general, they just ignore you but they love you dearly.
Learn to read the language of your cat eyes.
The Eyesight of a Cat is the language of cat eyes.
Cat’s can only see clearly a couple of feet. Fortunately, Cats have a keen sense of smell that can help them become aware of approaching danger.
They are also very sensitive to vibration and can ‘feel’ someone’s presence before seeing them. Cats are unable to rotate their eyes as much as humans and many other animals. Still, they are a lot more flexible and can turn their head a lot more and that more than makes up for any lack of movement in their eyes.
As your cat gets older, they will tend to be less aware. Your Cat will need additional care not to get in trouble with dogs and other animals they haven’t noticed approaching them.
Bonding with your cat do a daily routine.
Not every cat likes to be brushed, our Cats love brushing, and it is a daily ritual for them to get brushed twice, sometimes 3 times a day. Minka even demands it 5 times a day.
Choose a brush that is soft and takes out the excess hair from their fur coat. Brushing is for your Cat, like grooming from their mom. Some cats love it and some don’t. Nevertheless, there are always other ways in bonding with your cat.
Hoping this article helps you in understanding your Cat and you appreciate the colour of your cat eyes.
It does not matter what the colour of your Cat’s eyes is. They are, in a way, all beautiful. Learn the silent language of your cat eyes.

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