Halloween and Pets. Not every Dog or Cat is thrilled to participate in Halloween.
Halloween is just around the corner. We are already into the middle of October, and parents prepare the costumes for Halloween for the kids and themselves, and, of course, the treats. Halloween and Pets.
Do our pets like the celebration of Halloween? What is the danger behind Halloween for your Pet?
If you are answering now, there is no danger for my Pet, you are wrong.
Read on and understand the things that can harm your Pet on Halloween. It might sound simple and normal. Be aware, not every Pet loves it.

1. The Trick and Treat Bowl. Halloween and Pets.
Think again if you think your dog can’t reach the Trick and Treat Bowl filled with chocolate, sweets and Candy”. Dogs are intelligent, and you know when they want something, they go for it. If you think your dog can’t reach the Trick and Treat Bowl filled with chocolate, sweets and Candy, Think again”. Dogs are intelligent, and you know when they want something, they go for it.
Halloween is a time when kids can indulge in sweets, chocolate and candy. Kids and Adults running around with the trick-and-treat bag.
No doubt it is fun for young and old. But it is also a potential danger for pets.
Halloween and Pets who can resist?
If you have a dog and cat who are both nosy and want to taste and touch everything, well, you have to have eyes like a hawk.
My dogs will be munching and eating on everything that smells like food, and of course, you have cats; they will follow the dogs or just eat up what the dog left on the floor. So you have to pay extra attention to where you keep the trick-and-treat bowl.
1. Why Candy, Sweets and Chocolate are dangerous for your Pets.
Chocolate and Candy are not for dogs, and if you want to keep your Dog safe, then keep them in a locked container. Sweets, Candy and Chocolate are toxic in high doses to a dog. Their dog body is not made to metabolise those kinds of foods.
It does not mean that you can not feed your dog treats, get proper dog treats for your Dog. There are pumpkin, apple, banana, and cranberry treats available.
There is dog chocolate and dog candy around, and you can bake special dog treats or cookies for your Dog and Cat.
Apple slices and Pumpkin make a great dog treat; on top of it, they are healthy and delicious. ( just in case your dog likes it… my dogs do not like the treats too healthy. Pumpkin they love, apple not so much)
My dogs like chicken and sweet potato treat
I will tell you a story. I have seen a video on Instagram, and let me tell you, it was scary, and I could sympathize with the dog owner and how it felt.
When Halloween goes wrong, and you have an S.O.S Emergency…
Two years ago, there was a video, and it did go viral on Instagram where a dog had eaten 20 or more chocolate bars on Halloween. The Lady panicked and was asking what she should do now, so she rushed with the Dog to the vet emergency clinic.

When the doctor checked the Dog, he decided to induce vomiting, and a few minutes later, a big pile of eaten and uneaten chocolate came out.
It looked terrible, and I am not showing you the picture because it is not a beautiful view.
It was a big brown mush; unfortunately, some chocolate still had the wrapping.
Just think for a moment if you would want your dog to suffer like that.
I guess the Dog was so excited to have gotten into the Bowl of chocolate that he just swallowed all the chocolate and candy and forgot to chew it. That is so dangerous. Please keep an eye on your trick-and-treat container.
Watch out! When your dog is walking with you and the kids, that he is not picking up the candy that falls on the bitumen.
2. Halloween Decorations and your Dog.
One thing I like to mention is the Halloween decorations. If you create your Halloween decor by yourself, you will mostly use carved pumpkins and corn stalks. I love putting pumpkins and cornstalk around my home outside and inside as they make excellent and beautiful decorations.
Be careful where you place them and when you have nosy pets like me, who like to put their nose and mouths on everything that smells like food, you have to be quite careful where do you place your decoration.
Attention: Halloween and Pets
Especially when your dogs start to chew your Pumpkin, and they swallow too big pieces, those pieces can cause blockages, and your dog might need surgery to remove them, besides that they can also choke on them when they get stuck in their airpipe.

Pumpkins, Candles and Fire
My carved pumpkins have candles inside, and when you lighten them, they look so good and beautiful. If my pets knock them over, the pumpkin will catch fire.
Happen twice got a bit scared, but not much burned the fact that it can happen made me more cautious.
Want to know my solution now?
I use LED candles that are powered by batteries, and they are so cool they even flicker, and they look real. You can get them in any DIY store or sometimes in the supermarket.
Another problem that happens if you use real pumpkins is that the pumpkin, when it gets old, depending on the environment, can get mouldy. When your pet is eating that mouldy pumpkin, it can give him an upset stomach.
Halloween and Pets plus your Cornstalks Deco
Corn Stalks are a beautiful decoration, and the cornstalks, when dried, are nice, and dogs love to chew them. The problem starts when the dogs swallow the stalk, and you do not discover it. It can cause severe damage to your dog’s inside body.
You would not easily detect it, and by the time you do, it might be too late. Do yourself a favour, and your pet keep your Halloween Deco where your pets can not get to it so easy.
If you can, please consider using alternative decorations that can not cause harm to your Dog.
3. Halloween costumes for Humans and Pets.
The tradition is in nearly all countries the same that you use costumes for Halloween. The scariest, the better.
We understand what is going on, but our pets do not understand why everyone is wearing scary costumes and masks and people are making a lot of noise.
Believe it or not, some pets do not think this is fun, and they start to hide or run away because those pets are scared.
You must think of your pet, especially if you just have gotten it or adopted it from a shelter.
I have three dogs, and 1 of them is ok with the costumes; the other two hate it. When Charly wears the costumes, the other two want to rip them off aggressively.
Read What the reason that Dogs behave aggressively towards each other is.
On the other hand, when your Dog loves wearing a costume, make sure it is safe, and when he chews on it, he is not tearing or ripping it off and is eating it, or worse, swallows it.
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Attention: Any costume that restricts a dog’s movement hinders breathing. Such a costume is dangerous and can be a health hazard for your Dog.
Yes, there is anxiety in dogs.
It is a real thing.
4. Why should you keep your Pet inside your home on Halloween?
I have three dogs and three cats.
On Halloween, I usually have my cats and dogs inside the house.
The reason is that one time at Halloween, one of my cats and one of my Dogs got missing or, better say, ran away, totally scared.
The kids in the streets thought it was funny to use, some firecrackers and throw them at my pets. My youngest Dog, Bonnie and our youngest cat Minka got so scared and ran off.
All the other pets run into the house to hide. I thought they would be back, but after an hour they did not return we decided to look for them, and we looked for long 6 hours calling their name, but there was no sight of them. I would not go to sleep when they were not home.
I started to paint all the bad things that could happen to them in my mind, and even though I was sure they come back, I was worried sick.

We finally found them 13 hours later and both of them were shaken up. It took them 3 days to get back to normal.
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A piece of good advice from my side if your dog loves Halloween, keep him on the leash, so you have control over your dog. If your dog does not like Halloween, keep your dog inside the house.
Your Dog can easily be startled by a strange noise, the scary mask, the blinking lights, or costumes. People play pranks on others, and your Dog might be surprised, scared and stressed out by it.
Halloween and pets are not always a good match. Please consider the feeling of your furry friend too.
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